Donnerstag, 30. April 2020


Body: Legacy
Head: Catwa
Hair: TRUTH - Destiny - Brunette

Divaz Empire

Outfit: (DE) - DIVAZ DEVOTION ♥Thankies♥

17 Texture Hud Top & Pants
Size: Belleza-Maitreya-Slink-Legacy

LM Mainstore:


Decor: .:Tm:.C. GP29 Cluster Wildflowers -DB 04-20 [BOX] ♥Thankies♥
@DUBAI Event (Open April 20th 1pm SLT to 10th May, 2020)
- Available in .:Tm:.Creation store after 11th May,2020
LM Dubai Event:
LM Mainstore 1:

Decor:  .:Tm:.C. GM42 "The rock planter" Flowers -S.F. 04/2020 [BOX]♥Thankies♥

 Exclusive for Spring Flair (3rd Edition) by Flair for Events 
[Open 9th 8am SLT to 30th April, 2020]-
 Available in .:Tm:.Creation store after 30th April, 2020
LM Soring Fair:
LM Mainstore 1:

Decor: .:Tm:.C GP18 Spring Bike Scene. -TLC 3-19 [BOX]♥Thankies♥
LM Mainstore 1:

Creative Stylez

Poses: Creative Stylez - Bento Posen - My Dog - (wear me)

 Exclusiv @ UNIK Event from 7th April to 28th April 

Mittwoch, 29. April 2020


Body: Legacy
Head: Catwa
Hair: TRUTH - Destiny - Brunette

 [ LsR ] Moda

Outfit:  [ LsR ] - Sexy Jeanie Set Big Fatpack ♥Thankies♥
 Exclusive for Tres Chic  April Round Open 17th

✩✩[ LsR ] - Sexy Jeanie Set Fatpack✩✩ 100% Original Mesh Includes: 

[✔]Mesh Option : Top & Skirt 

[Sandals includes at Big Fatpack - Fatpack Sandals Separately ]

[✔]Controler Hud Textures 104 Textures [Plains - Dots - Patterns ] 

[✔]Sizes for Suit : Legacy Maitreya Belleza [ Isis Freya ] Slink [ HourGlass ]

[✔]Single Items available 'TWO TEXTURES'+ Hud Bow Textures [✔

LM Tres Chic:

Dienstag, 28. April 2020


Body: Legacy
Head: Catwa
Hair: TRUTH - Paradise - Selection

.:Beyond:. Originals

Outfit: .:Beyond:. - Laixa ♥Thankies♥
Exclusive Kinky event (Open 28th April)

• Rigged for Maitreya, Legacy, Freya and Hourglass

 • 100% original mesh.

• 20 Textures Transparent

 • 20 Textures Plastic

 Only the Fatpack and the demo have hud to change the texture of the different parts.

 Please try the demo before making your purchase.

LM Kinky Event:

Samstag, 25. April 2020


 Body: Legacy
Head: Catwa
Hair: Besom - Ariana *All Tones*

Tooty Fruity 

Outfit: Tooty Fruity - Jacket - Kristi ♥Thankies♥

Texture Hud included

Size: Maitreya-Physique-Hourglass-Isis-Freya-Venus-TonicFine/Curvy-eBody

Try the free Demo to try all Colours included

 LM Mainstore:

Outfit: Tooty Fruity  - Pants - Catya ♥Thankies♥

Darkside 5 Runs from 4th April - 30th April

Texture Hud included in Fatpack
Size: Maitreya-Freya-Isis-Physique-Hourglass

LM Darkside 5:

Donnerstag, 23. April 2020


Body: Legacy
Head: Catwa
Hair: Truth -  Delirium - Brunette

[ LsR ] Moda

Outfit:[ LsR ] - Sexy Danika Set Big Fatpack ♥Thankies♥

Exclusive for Vanity Event  April Round Open 15th

 [✔]Mesh:Top - Skirt - Belt [Sandals includes at Big Fatpack - Fatpack Sandals Separately ]
 [✔]Hud Shirt 84 Textures [Plaids - Laces - Plains]
 [✔]Hud Sandals Heels 44 Textures 
[✔]Sizes:Legacy Maitreya Belleza [ Isis Freya ] Slink [HourGlass ]
 [✔]Single Items available`Two TEXTURE'Skirt included Hud Belt 42 Textures 
[✔]Full Options

LM Vanity Event:

Poses: LW Bento Poses - Come Back Home BOXED
Location: Luanes World 

Mittwoch, 22. April 2020


Head: Catwa - Catya

.:I ProFect I:. Design

Eyes: .:I ProFect I:. - Moon  Eyes ( 50% for Event )♥Thankies♥

Exclusive Spring Fair open 9th April  at 8am SLT
end 30th April  at 8am SLT.

Texture Hud included 
Mesh eyes Included
Applier: Catwa-Genus-Lelutka

 You can use our Mesh Eyes for all Body, easy to change the Texture with our HUD .
            Mesh Eyes works very fine, you don't need Eyes from your Head.

LM Spring Fair:

LM Mainstore:



Body: Legacy
Head: Catwa
Hair: Tableau Vivant - Rosella

-Ema's Secret- 

Outfit: -Ema's Secret- Maelie Jumpsuit ♥Thankies♥

Sense Event - April round April 18 - May 8

Available 8 Colors

Size: Maitreya-Legacy-Freya-Hourglass

Creative Stylez

Poses: Creative Stylez -  - Bento Poses - On the Box ♥Thankies♥

 Exclusiv @ The Men & Women Jail Event from 10th April to 30th April

Creative Stylez - Bento Poses - On the Box
5 Bento Pose - On the Box - incl. Box

LM The Men & Woman Jail Event:

Dienstag, 21. April 2020


Body: Maitreya
Head: Catwa
Hair: Truth - Delirium - Brunette

Meli's Crazy Shop

Outfit: Meli's Crazy Shop - L.A. Outfit ♥Thankies♥

Outfit Complete with Hud 

Pants-Shirt - Angels Arm R&L - Sneaker

Pants Size: Maitreya-Slink-Venus-Hourglass-Freya-Isis
Shirt/Angels Arm-Sneakers Size: Maitreya - Legacy-Legacy Perky - Slink - Venus - 
Hourglass - Freya -Isis

LM Mainstore:

Montag, 20. April 2020


Body: Legacy
Head: Catwa
Hair:  TRUTH - Destiny - Brunette

.:Beyond:. Originals

Outfit: .:Beyond:. - Mireya ♥Thankies♥

Vanity Event (Open 15th April)

 • Rigged for Maitreya, Legacy and Freya

 • 100% original mesh.

 • 40 Textures

 20 pattern colors

 20 Solid colors

 Only the Fatpack and the demo have hud to change the texture of the different parts.

 Please try the demo before making your purchase.

LM Vanty Event:

Backdrop: CEBO - conference room BOSTON 

Sonntag, 19. April 2020


Body: Legacy
Head: Catwa
Hair: Truth - Destiny - Brunette

Meli's Crazy Shop

Outfit: Meli's Crazy Shop  -  Hawaii Outfit ♥Thankies♥

with Hud
 7 Metal Colors
 13 NetColors 
14 Bikini Colors
Size: Legacy - Maitreya

 LM Meli's Crazy Shop:


Decor: .:Tm:.C. -  B27 "In the darling" Blanket PG/ADT ♥Thankies♥

Exclusive for Vanity Event (Open 15th April, to 8th May, 2020) 10% Discount

 "In the darling" Blanket with decors B27
Available in PG or Adult version 
Blanket with Pillows and decors (sunglasses, newspaper, mobile phone, perfume)
Land Impact: 7 

Avalable in .:Tm:.Creation store after 9th May, 2020

LM Vanity Event:

LM .:Tm:.C:


Decor:  .:Tm:.C. - M22 Tropical Arrangement ♥Thankies♥

Exclusive for Sense Event (Open 18th April, 4PM SLT to 08th May, 2020) 10% Discount

Rocks with mix flowers, plants, bushes
100% MESH
Land Impact: 15

Available in .:Tm:.Creation Store after 09th May, 2020

LM Sense Event:

LM .:Tm:.C:


Samstag, 18. April 2020


Body: Maitreya
Hair: Truth - Destiny - Brunette

 [Sexy Princess] 

Outfit:  [Sexy Princess] - Evangeline Dress ♥Thankies♥

Exclusive for Vanity Event - Opens on the 15th of April

Size: Slink Physique-Hourglass-Maitreya

LM Vanity Event:

.:I ProFect I:. Design

Eyes: .:I ProFect I:. - Diamond  Eyes ♥Thankies♥

Exclusive 2ND Chance Round Starts 12th - Ends 30th


Texture Hud included 
Mesh eyes Included
Applier: Catwa-Genus 

 You can use our Mesh Eyes for all Body, easy to change the Texture with our HUD .
            Mesh Eyes works very fine, you don't need Eyes from your Head.

LM 2ND Chance:

LM Mainstrore:


Donnerstag, 16. April 2020


Body: Maitreya
Hair: Truth - Paradies - Selection

[LsR] Moda

Outfit: [ LsR ] -  Sexy Nazareth Set Fatpack ♥Thankies♥

Exclusive for FameshedX April Round Open 11th 

✩✩[ LsR ] - Sexy Nazareth Set Fatpack
✩✩ 100% Original Mesh Includes:

[✔]Mesh Option : Bra & Pantie

 [✔]Controler Hud 44 Textures

[✔]Sizes for Dress : Legacy Maitreya Belleza 

  [ Isis Freya ] [✔]Single Items available 'ONE TEXTURE'
[✔]Full Options in FatPack

LM FameshedX:

Mittwoch, 15. April 2020


Body: Maitreya
Hair: Truth - Paradise - Selection

Sassy Sweet Pose

Poses: SSP -  - We Do FATPACK ♥Thankies♥

La Vie en Pose Event runs April 10 to the 25

4 pose sets

LM La Vie en Pose Event:


LM Mainstore:

Dienstag, 14. April 2020


Body: Maitreya
Hair: Knox - Nala - Blondes

Meli's Crazy Shop

Outfit: Meli's Crazy Shop - Sylt ♥Thankies♥

New Outfit Promo Sale , Pant/Shirt and Heels...

Texture Hud included for Pant/ Shirt and Heels

Size: Maitreya-Belleza-Legacy-Freya-Hourglass-Isis-Benus-Slink

LM Mainstore:


Head: Catwa - Catya

.:I ProFect I:. Design

Eyes: .:I ProFect I:. - Schmety  Eyes ♥Thankies♥

Exclusive Spring Fair open 9th April  at 8am SLT
end 30th April  at 8am SLT.

Texture Hud included 
Mesh eyes Included
Applier: Catwa-Genus-Lelutka

 You can use our Mesh Eyes for all Body, easy to change the Texture with our HUD .
            Mesh Eyes works very fine, you don't need Eyes from your Head.

LM Spring Fair:

LM Mainstore:


Montag, 13. April 2020


Body: Maitreya
Hair: [KNOX] -  Nala - Blondes

[MH] Couture

Outfit: [MH] Couture -  Ishana Lace ♥Thankies♥

 Exclusive at The Darkness April Event Event runs 5th - end 28th April

Dress with 10 Colourchange Hud

Black Thigh High Boots*Collar

Size: TMP*Maitreya*Physique*Hourglass*Isis*Venus*Fitmesh

LM The Darkness Event:


Body: Maitreya
Hair: Stealthic - Verge (Browns)

 [Sexy Princess] 

Outfit:  [Sexy Princess] - Nostalgia Bloggers Pack ♥Thankies♥

Exclusive for The Men & Women Jail Event starts on the 10th of April

Size: *Hourglass*Maitreya*Freya*Tonic Fine & Curvy*eBody Curvy*Lefacy Classic
* Signature Alice

10 - 30 of April 2020 (After the end of the event the item will be available in Mainstore)

LM Thw Men & Women Jail Event:

LM Mainstore:

Creative Stylez

Poses: Creative Stylez  - Bento Poses  - Bathroom ♥Thankies♥

Exclusiv @ La vie en pose Event from 10th April to 25th April

5 Bento Poses

LM La cie en pose Event:

Backdrop:  Creative Stylez -  - Bathroom ♥Thankies♥

Exclusiv @ La vie en pose Event from 10th April to 25th April

LM La cie en pose Event:

Sonntag, 12. April 2020


Body: Maitreya
Hair: Stealthic  - Purity (Blondes)

Tooty Fruity

Shoes: Tooty Fruity -  - Heels - Bunny ♥Thankies♥

Texture Hud included in Fatpack

Size: Maitreya-Slink-Belleza

Try the free Demo to try all Colours included

LM Mainstore:


Sassy Sweet Pose

Poses: SSP  - Bunny Hop ♥Thankies♥

Eggapalooza Event April 10-19

5 Poses with mirrors

LM Mainstore:

Samstag, 11. April 2020


Body: Maitreya
Hair: Truth - Lady - Brunette

 [ LsR ] Moda

Outfit:  [ LsR ] - Sexy Yadith Set Big Fatpack ♥Thankies♥

Exclusive for Spring Flair Event  Aptil Round Open 9th

✩✩[ LsR ] - Sexy Yadith Set Fatpack ✩✩ 100% Original Mesh 

[✔]Mesh Option : Top & Mini skirt 
[Sandals includes at Big Fatpack - Fatpack Sandals Separately ] 

[✔]Controler Hud Textures 84 top Textures Patterns/Plains 24 Skirt Denim Textures 

[✔]Sizes for Suit : Legacy Maitreya Belleza [ Isis Freya ] Slink [ HourGlass ] 

[✔]Single Items available 'TWO TOP TEXTURES - ON

LM Spring Flair Event:

Creative Stylez 

Poses: Creative Stylez - Bento Poses - Vintage Set 1 ♥Thankies♥

 Marketplace and Inworldshop Release 



Freitag, 10. April 2020


Body: Maitreya
Hair: [KNOX] - Nala - Blondes

[Sexy Princess]

Outfit: [Sexy Princess] -  Elleria Bodysuit ♥Thankies♥

with Colors Hud

Size: Maitreya-Hourglass-Physique

LM Mainstore:

.:I ProFect I:. Design

Eyes: .:I ProFect I:. -  Synki  Eyes ♥Thankies♥

7th: Opening of the Event. 24:00 SLT.
28th: Closing of the Event. 24:00 pm SLT.

Texture Hud included 
Mesh eyes Included
Applier: Catwa-Genus-Lelutka

 You can use our Mesh Eyes for all Body, easy to change the Texture with our HUD .
            Mesh Eyes works very fine, you don't need Eyes from your Head.

LM Unik Event:

LM Mainstore:

Sassy Sweet Pose

Poses: SSP -  -Mondays ♥Thankies♥

 - Fly Buy Friday APR 10-12

5 Poses with mirror

collection of older releases that are on sale thru the weekend .. will be full price after

LM Mainstore: