Body: Maitreya
Hair: Besom - Ariana - All Tones
Tooty Fruity
Outfit: Tooty Fruity - Bodysuit - Chelsea ♥Thankies♥
Exclusive XXX Event Runs from 13th March - 3rd April
Texture Hud included
Size *Maitreya*Venus*Isis*Freya*Physique*Hourglass*Tonic/Fine*Legacy
Try the free Demo to try all Clolours included
LM XXX Event:
Decor: .:Tm:.C. - GM39 Revival in the hill-PG-ADT-Sw. 03-20 ♥Thankies♥
Exclusive for Swank Event (Open 7th to 31th March, 2020)- Available in
Revival in the hill Nature Scene Couple & Single anims PG or Adult-Bento anims. included
LM Swank Event:
.:Tm:.Creation store after 1st April, 2020
Sassy Pose
Poses: SSP - Lingerie Model ♥Thankies♥
7 Poses with mirrors
LM Mainstore:
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