Freitag, 13. März 2020


Body: Maitreya
Hair: Tableau Vivant - Falling Hair- Shortfall

Meli's Crazy Shop

Outfit: Meli's Crazy Shop -   KANADA Outfit ♥Thankies♥

Jogger Pant 2 Versions/ Shirt and Sneakers

Texure Hud for *Sweatshirt*Joggingpant and Sports Shoe

Outfit Size: *Maitreya*Freya*Hourglass*Isis*Venus

Shoes: Maitreya-Belleza and Slink

LM Mainstore:

Sassy Pose

Pose: SSP - Leap ♥Thankies♥

Unisex for HIM or HER

5 Poses with mirrors 

LM Mainstore:

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