Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2020


 Body: Legacy

Head: Catwa HDPRO
Hair: Limerence - Mandy hair with hat

Meli´s Crazy Shop

Outfit: Meli´s Crazy Shop - Diona ♥Thankies♥

Outfit DIONA
with Hud

Belleza Isis& Freya

Please try DEMO, before you buy Fullversion :)

LM Mainstore:

Marktplace Diona Outfit:

Shoes: Meli´s Crazy Shop - LEYLA Boots ♥Thankies♥

with Hud

Belleza Isis& Freya

Please try DEMO, before you buy Fullversion :)

LM Mainstore:

Marktplace LEYLA Boots:


Decor: .:Tm:.Creation  -"Wherever with you" Pillows with decors and anims. B34

Exclusive for Shiny Shabby (open October 20th @ 12 pm slt to November 15th, 2020)

10% Discount

Pillows pile with bag and blanket
Land Impact: 6

100% Mesh
Animations for 2 persons (PG or Adult version)

LM Shiny Shabby:

After Mainstore:

Decor: .:Tm:.Creation  -"The orange yellow flowers" Garden Scene GM48

Exclusive for Tres Chic Event (Open 17th October, 12pm SLT  to 10th November 2020)

10% Discount

Broken stone with mix of yellow, orange flowers and plants
Land Impact: 13

100% Mesh

LM Tres Chic:

After Mainstore:

Sweet Sassy Pose

Poses: SSP - Harvest Gacha ♥Thankies♥

La vie en Pose This event runs the month of October 10 - 25

12 Poses and 3 Rare`s 

LM La vie en Pose:

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