Montag, 18. Juli 2022


 Body: Legacy

Head: Lelutka Avalon Evox 3.1

Hair: Stealthic - Surge

LsR Moda 

Bikini: LsR - Sexy Maryt ♥Thankies♥

Exclusive for Cosmopolitan July Round Open 27th to 23th July 

[✔]Option :Bra / Panties [ Heels Fatpack Separately and Big Fatpack ]

[✔]Hud with 61 Textures Solids / Patterns

[✔]Suit : Legacy [ Classic - Perky ] Maitreya [ Lara - Petite ]Reborn Erika

[✔]Single Items available '2 Textures'

[✔]Full Options in FatPack at Big Fatpack

LM Cosmopolitan:


Decor:.:Tm:.Creation - Ts19 Rest relax on rocks ♥Thankies♥

Exclusive Swank Event (July Open 07th May to July 31th , 2022)

100% Mesh

Beach Rocks with towel and tropical plant. Anims. for 2 pers. PG or Adult version - Security Access

LI: 9

*Addon included: 4 types of Date Palm Phoenix Canariensis Plant

LI: 1

LM Swank Event:


LM Mainstore:

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