Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2022


 Body: Legacy

Head: Lelutka Avalon Evox 3.1

Hair: Moon - Serenwe

LsR Moda 

Outfit: LsR - Witch Suit ♥Thankies♥

Exclusive Tres Chic October round open 17th

[✔]Option : Body / Hat Resize / Boots / Jewelry

[✔]Hud with 41 Textures [ Boots and Jewelry at Mega Fatpack ]

[✔]Suit Regular: Legacy [ Classic - Perky ] Maitreya [ Lara - Petite ] Reborn - Belleza GEN . X [ Curvy - Classic ]

[✔]Eyes Makeup Collab With Knife Party

[✔]Single Items available '1 TEXTURE '

[✔]Full Options in FatPack / Big Fatpack / Mega Fatpack

LM Tres Chic:

DPSP Poses 

Poses: DPSP - Witch 2 - Hokus Pokus ♥Thankies♥

Exclusive Shop & Hop Halloween open October 06th - November 01th 

Bento animation

Props incl.

LM Shop & Hop:


LM Mainstore:

LM Marktplace Direct Link Heel:


M-BdP Moonlite Backdrops & Poses

Backdrop: M-BdP - Creepy Halloween ♥Thankies♥

Exclusive PosEvent open October 27th

Creepy Halloween Backdrop 

LI 85

Backdrop without poses: 299L$ (regular price)
Backdrop without poses: 285L$ (incl. 5% group discount)

Poses not included

LM Mainstore:

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