Montag, 5. Dezember 2022


 Amelia s Coastal Treasures

Decor: Amelia's - Long Beach Living Room ♥Thankies♥

Long Beach Mirror-5 prim, c/m

Long Beach End Table-7 prim, c/m

Long Beach Coffee Table-7 prim, c/m

Long Beach Sofa-16 prim, c/m

Decor includes: Coral Lamp-Blue-5 prim, c/m

Tropical Orchids in Vase-Tide-3 prim

Starfish Basket-Empty- 6 prim, c/m

Conch Shell of Pastel Flowers-4 prim, c

Magazine Stack-Coastal Living-1 prim, c
Sofa contains fluid single and cuddle

LM Mainstore:


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