Body: Legacy
Head: Lelutka Avalon Evox 3.1
Hair: Truth - Muse
Oufit: Baboom - Josy Dress 💖Thankies💖
Exclusive Wip Event open May 02th - May 22th
Size: Maitreya*Legacy/Perky*Reborn/Juicy
LM Wip Event:
LM Mainstore:
M-BdP Backdrops & Poses
Poses: M-BdP - Pinup Poses 2 💖Thankies💖
Female Poses Set - pose stand with 10 installed poses incl. mirrored
LM Mainstore:
Backdrop: M-BdP - Nature Table 💖Thankies💖
Exclusive PosEvent open April 27th - end May 19th
M-BdP :: Spring - Nature Table Photoprop with installed poses!
(6 single f / 5 single m / 1 couple fm / 1 couple ff)
M-BdP :: Spring - Nature Table - Photoprop incl. Posen: 349L$ (regular price)
M-BdP :: Spring - Nature Table - Photoprop incl. Posen: 332L$ (Incl. 5% group discount)
LM PosEvent:
LM Mainstore:
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