Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2023


 Amelia s Coastal Treasures

Funiture: Amelia's - Mosaic & Bamboo Patio Set 💖Thankies💖

Table/Umbrella- 17 prim

Chairs-3 prim, scripted with fluid animations

Amelia's Tropical Fruit Tray- 8 prim

Amelia's Orange Slice Water Pitcher-1 prim

Funiture: Amelia's - Canopy Chairs & Side Table 💖Thankies💖

Spring Floral Canopy Chair 5 prims, scripted with fluid animations. c/m

Ship Wheel Side Table 4 prims

Dairy Jug Tulips-Seascape 3 prims

Decor: Amelia's -  Burger & Dogs Grill 💖Thankies💖

To turn on or off the flames, pan inside of grill in transparency mode and you will see three boxes. 

Click each to light or turn off.

Decor: Amelia's - Neon Signs

Neon Signs Planked & Solid Wood

LM Mainstore:


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